Below are articles and a policy paper examining various strategies for strengthening tropical conservation and science. You can find a large amount of parallel work and recommendations for conservation action in the rapid inventory reports. For a more comprehensive list of scientific publications click here.
Journal articles:
Pitman, N. C. A., C. F. Vriesendorp, D. Alvira Reyes, D. K. Moskovits, N. Kotlinski, R. C. Smith, M. E. Thompson, A. Wali, M. Benavides Matarazzo, Á. del Campo, D. E. Rivera González, L. Rivera Chávez, A. D. Rosenthal, J. Álvarez Alonso, M. E. Díaz Ñaupari, L. S. de Souza, F. R. Ferreyra Vela, C. N. Gonzales Tanchiva, C. Jarrett, A. A. Lemos, A. R. Sáenz Rodríguez, D. F. Stotz, T. Suwa, M. Pariona Fonseca, A. Ravikumar, T. Torres Tuesta, A. Bravo, A. Catenazzi, J. Díaz Alván, G. Gagliardi-Urrutia, R. García-Villacorta, M. H. Hidalgo, T. Mori Vargas, J. J. Mueses-Cisneros, G. Núñez-Iturri, T. Pequeño, M. A. Ríos Paredes, L. Rodríguez Bayona, R. F. Stallard, L. A. Torres Montenegro, P. J. Venegas, R. von May, N. Barbagelata Ramírez, J. A. Maldonado Ocampo, and I. Mesones Acuy. 2021 Applied science facilitates the large-scale expansion of protected areas in an Amazonian hot spot. Science Advances 7(31).
Pitman, N.C.A., D. Norris, J. Martínez González, E. Torres, F. Pinto, H. Collado, W. Concha, R. Thupa, E. Quispe, J. Pérez & J.C. Flores del Castillo. 2011. Four years of vertebrate monitoring on an upper Amazonian river. Biodiversity and Conservation 20: 827-849.
Norris, D., N.C.A. Pitman, J. Martínez González, E. Torres, F. Pinto, H. Collado, W. Concha, R. Thupa, E. Quispe, J. Pérez, and J.C. Flores del Castillo. 2011. Abiotic modulators of Podocnemis unifilis (Testudines: Podocnemididae) abundances in the Peruvian Amazon. Zoologia 28(3): 343-350.
Pitman, N.C.A. 2010. Research in biodiversity hotspots should be free. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 25: 381.
Policy papers:
Pitman, N. 2011. Social and biodiversity impact assessment manual for REDD+ projects: Part 3 – Biodiversity impact assessment toolbox. Forest Trends, Climate, Community & Biodiversity Alliance, Rainforest Alliance and Fauna & Flora International, Washington, DC. 50 pages.