Into a new sea of green

Into a new sea of green

One of a series of blog posts written during the Field Museum's 2010 Yaguas rapid inventory of Yaguas, Peru, and published by the New York Times.

"Despite all the novelty of our new surroundings, it’s hard not to feel a little regret at leaving behind the places we were just beginning to get familiar with at Camp 1 — places we visited for a day or two and will probably never see again. I’m thinking, for example, of that hillside where we came into a stand of flowering treelets in the citrus family. First we noticed one, and then we noticed another standing next to it, and then, looking around us, we realized that we were surrounded....."

Read the full post here.

Photo by Álvaro del Campo

A hundred ways to be a frog

A hundred ways to be a frog

The diversity of birds and fishes

The diversity of birds and fishes